Advance Wars Wiki
V for Victory!
Mission Info
Game Mode Trial
Term(s) Wipe out all enemy units or capture HQ.
Properties IconHQx1
Weather Clear
Fog of War No
Commanding Officers
CO 1 IconIsabellaIsabella
Icon12thBattalion12th Battalion, Player
CO 2 IconTabithaTabitha
IconIDSBlueIntelligent Defense Systems, Enemy
CO 3 IconPennyPenny
IconIDSYellowIntelligent Defense Systems, Enemy
Previous: Intricate Map
Next: Fragment Isles

V for Victory!(Days of Ruin) or V For Victory!(Dark Conflict) is Trial Map #13 in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.


V for Victory! is unlocked by completing Crash Landing.

Completing V for Victory! unlocks Trial Map #12, Intricate Map and #20, Slime Cove.



IconIsabella Isabella
Land Air Sea
IconInfantryRed Infantry x1 IconMediumTankRed Medium Tank x2 IconTCopterRed Transport Helicopter x0 IconGunboatRed Gunboat x0
IconMechRed Mech x4 IconWarTankRed War Tank x0 IconBCopterRed Battle Helicopter x0 IconLanderRed Lander x0
IconBikeRed Bike x0 IconArtilleryRed Artillery x1 IconDusterRed Duster x0 IconCruiserRed Cruiser x0
IconReconRed Recon x0 IconAntiTankRed Anti-Tank x0 IconBomberRed Bomber x0 IconSubmarineRed Submarine x0
IconFlareRed Flare x0 IconRocketsRed Rockets x0 IconFighterRed Fighter x0 IconCarrierRed Carrier x0
IconAntiAirRed Anti-Air x0 IconMissilesRed Missiles x0 IconSeaplaneRed Seaplane x0 IconBattleshipRed Battleship x0
IconTankRed Tank x2 IconRigRed Rig x0   DoRIconMedal  CO Unit None

Total: 10


IconTabitha Tabitha
Land Air Sea
IconInfantryAlt Infantry x2 IconMediumTank Medium Tank x0 IconTCopter Transport Helicopter x0 IconGunboat Gunboat x0
IconMechAlt Mech x4 IconWarTank War Tank x0 IconBCopter Battle Helicopter x0 IconLander Lander x0
IconBikeAlt Bike x0 IconArtillery Artillery x0 IconDuster Duster x0 IconCruiser Cruiser x0
IconRecon Recon x1 IconAntiTank Anti-Tank x0 IconBomber Bomber x0 IconSubmarine Submarine x0
IconFlare Flare x0 IconRockets Rockets x0 IconFighter Fighter x0 IconCarrier Carrier x0
IconAntiAir Anti-Air x0 IconMissiles Missiles x0 IconSeaplane Seaplane x0 IconBattleship Battleship x0
IconTank Tank x1 IconRig Rig x0   DoRIconMedal  CO Unit None

Total: 8


IconPenny Penny
Land Air Sea
IconInfantryYellowAlt Infantry x2 IconMediumTankYellow Medium Tank x0 IconTCopterYellow Transport Helicopter x0 IconGunboatYellow Gunboat x0
IconMechYellowAlt Mech x4 IconWarTankYellow War Tank x0 IconBCopterYellow Battle Helicopter x0 IconLanderYellow Lander x0
IconBikeYellowAlt Bike x0 IconArtilleryYellow Artillery x0 IconDusterYellow Duster x0 IconCruiserYellow Cruiser x0
IconReconYellow Recon x1 IconAntiTankYellow Anti-Tank x0 IconBomberYellow Bomber x0 IconSubmarineYellow Submarine x0
IconFlareYellow Flare x0 IconRocketsYellow Rockets x0 IconFighterYellow Fighter x0 IconCarrierYellow Carrier x0
IconAntiAirYellow Anti-Air x0 IconMissilesYellow Missiles x0 IconSeaplaneYellow Seaplane x0 IconBattleshipYellow Battleship x0
IconTankYellow Tank x1 IconRigYellow Rig x0   DoRIconMedal  CO Unit None

Total: 8

Campaign Map[]

Extreme EdgeLin's GambitWaylon Flies AgainSalvationPanic in the RanksThe CreeperHope RisingIcy RetreatShade CoastThe Great OwlSacrificial LambSunriseFeline BasinMetro IslandEerie LakeA Hero's FarewellClear IslandTatter RiverCrash LandingLab RatsD-IslandHourglassBlade IslesGreyfield StrikesStar IslandsIntricate MapV for Victory!Fragment IslesJay IslandsPentagramCoast AssaultHistory of HateCat IslandGround ClashSlime CoveDuo FallsPeril MazeMetro MapWedding RingA Storm BrewsLand's EndBounty RiverTime MapPlasma BubbleNew AlliesFear ExperimentTriangle LakeAlmost HomeDestiny OceanDays of RuinA Single LifeFreehavenMoving OnA Kind of HomeA New ThreatThe BeastComb MapResistanceMissileWeb RiverCenter RiverMountain PassFire & WaterWhirl PeaksClickable campaign map.
