Advance Wars Wiki

I haven't weighed in very much on Mangs, but I would like to make my stance on him clear. What he did was wrong. There is no excuse for what he did, and rest assured, he did do it, and there is plenty of evidence proving he did. Sexual assault is never okay, and I will not support someone who has done it. This is not "cancel culture." Mangs sexually assaulted someone. People who support Mangs in spite of his disgusting actions will not be tolerated here. People who think what he did was okay will not be tolerated here. I understand that many people probably looked up to Mangs, liked him, enjoyed his content. I know it can be hard to accept that someone you once looked up to is a bad person. However, it is your responsibility as a human being to be ethical and moral. If you do not think Mangs is in the wrong, you are not welcome here. I do not - and will not - support anyone who sexually assaults someone, nor will I be fine with anyone who supports such a person.

Some of the evidence can be found here and here. This is by no means all of the evidence, but they are nonetheless pieces of evidence. A compilation of evidence can also be found here.

To address people that are calling those who speak out against Mangs "sheep", I would like to ask you who the real sheep are. You are willfully ignoring evidence of someone's wrongdoing. I am not a "sheep"; I am standing against sexual assault.

Some people say Mangs has "owned up." He has not. He is unrepentant. He does not feel bad for what he has done.

Victim-blaming will also not be tolerated.

Regarding Mangs claiming to be suicidal; if he is feeling suicidal, then he needs to seek therapy. It does not change what he has done, nor is it relevant in any capacity.
