Disclaimer: This is going to be a politics heavy topic involving sensitive subjects with details that could cause concern to say the least, but it HAS to be covered. It's an explanation on why the Advance Wars Wikia will not support Mangs.
Long story short: Mangs is a sexual assailant with no remorse. There is plenty of evidence and testimony to as much here (language warning): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8JDGEx0A-Q
I had linked that video right away to help provide context, but I will have to get back on it after I cover my own personal experiences to demonstrate why I gladly corroborate the video despite my lack of association with Goosaphone et al.
Personal experiences with Mangs and why they matter[]
Where I can start is with 2 old videos of Mangs, both involving map design, but neither I will link to here out of worry of boosting Mangs' power. To wit, my interest has been in game design, particularly game balance, with the idea to accommodate for more variety. Now I can clarify that I had known back then that Mangs was suggestion of an unrepentent lecherous scumbag already, but obviously, desperation kicked in to have me talk all chummy toward him back in 2016, stating my opinions about the individual points in the Fire Emblem Map Design video. However, the Advance Wars Map Design video is worth calling out as a later date video with lower quality, a day late and a dollar short. Now far be it for me to call out video quality even with my excuse of being underresourced, but Mangs had proven himself willing to put in video production effort before, but only when something is popular, which by the way makes any of his videos after Re-Boot Camp was first announced an invalid counterpoint. The graphics handling was stale and the point provision was a joke.
My response was criticism of this on the Advance Wars subreddit, which Mangs responded with a "let the butthurt flow through you" image. I called out as much, Mangs just responded another mockery image, and then a few days later, lazernerd, the moderator of the subreddit at the time, did Report-shaming against the Reports against Mangs' obvious troll comments, practically calling me "butthurt" and egging on Mangs. Now obviously, lazernerd showed how untrustworthy the powers that be at the Advance Wars subreddit were, but Mangs still aggravated everything because he couldn't take criticism. You can see why I denounced him on my Rivals AC video, even if I wasn't focused on him.
In 2018, a guy named RPG Monger had been doing a series called "Fandom Files" that called out toxicity in communities. He had Fire Emblem on his hit list, so I provided my testimony against both the Fire Emblem and the Advance Wars communities. Unfortunately, this never got anywhere because RPG Monger didn't care, barely posting a Fire Emblem episode that covered things poorly and then later deleting the episode. I feel that this is worth mentioning because my testimony against the Fire Emblem communities had mentioned about Mangs then, lumping him in with 2 other unrepentent lechers, shadowofchaos725 and Superbus. I can further add that while I didn't help matters with the Fire Emblem community mess, I would want to help fix it, but in the meantime, I had been harassed by scummy characters from the Fire Emblem communities even where it's irrelevant like on RoahmMythril's videos, and women being #MeToo bandwagoners invites them to be full of hubris.
Now this brings where I get involved with allegations, where I can show how Mangs is certifiably guilty, no "he said she said" like what happened to Vic Mignogna, no crying wolf like what happened to Chaz Aria LLC. On July 4, 2020, Mangs had made a statement that was motivated by the movement against him to call him out for what happened at Anime North in addition his disrespect to mental health points, for which the statement will get its own section, but long story short, Mangs was trying to hide behind a Freudian Excuse and claims of providing escapism. The statement showed up on my Recommends and I was quick to respond as follows: "So you claim you've been abused in the past. Even though I bet you have never dealt with your parents' house having been a God awful mess even before its toilet overflowed to the point of attracting maggots as what had happened 25 years ago.
"Fix it. Do NOT make mockery posts and celebrate the admin's support. You have invalidated your excuse by having done that instead and as a result managed to get in the way of fixing others' problems."
You can see that I was already calling out Mangs for behaviors. When I got a sycophantic response, telling me how "nobody cares" and that I should "go get attention somewhere else", I opted to mock the response and generally have the thread blow up, even calling out how Mangs' claims of suddenly being open to criticism were bogus. It was at 21 responses, more than any other comment in the post, before the day ended, with Mangs himself having never said a word. Remember: this was before the allegations came out. By the way, the people who were just taking Mangs' side NEVER apologized to me.
When the allegations came out, on July 8, 2020, I was actually happy to see that Mangs had been outed as a nasty person, with overwhelming accusations of his miserable treatment of women as well as evidence of Mangs' conduct showing him to be willing to insult the intelligence of African-Americans. Sadly, I couldn't make a more active response right away without organizing what I said, and I ended up a day late and a dollar short about it. And unfortunately, Mangs was able to manipulate his way out of trouble, making a vague apology video before coming back a month later to sweep everything under the rug to his still massive subscriber base.
There was only so much I could do at all, but eventually, Re-Boot Camp got announced and I did what I could to call out the conduct of Mangs and the people who had enabled him so much. What particularly doesn't help is Xenesis Xenon, moderator of the Advance Wars subreddit, has such nasty hate toward me that had led him to get Romhacking.net's Discord server to ban me for allegedly harassing him (HE was harassing ME for reference), and then while publicly denouncing Mangs to have the Advance Wars subreddit ban Mangs content, he did NOTHING about subtle advertisements of Mangs, and then he refused to give a link to evidence even when pressed. This general problem led to my angry video rant about the enablers, posted on July 7 in confusion over the death date of a 2 decades cousin of mine who I had harbored survivor's guilt about, and it even shows comments by Ephraim225 and Koopanique, both members of the Advance Wars subreddit, on Mangs' videos, well after the allegations. I should also mention that GipFace had also posted claiming Re-Boot Camp has "diversity for its own sake" because of the soldiers having skin color, ignoring that Famicom Wars has African-Americans on its box art of a lineup of soldiers. GipFace was able to do that because he was allowed to get away with victim blaming Matthew Pyke even after "apologizing" for the mockery song, as well as bashing on Spiritual Successor attempts for its own sake.
It's not even just the Advance Wars subreddit who involves problems either, although they're worth bringing up for abusing their efforts to be indirect about Mangs support. Advance Wars By Web allowed Mangs to worm his way into power there. I was quick to call it out, but the Discord server was anything but receptive, so I made a call out here. Please note that that is an Archive link; the thing is, my posts were deleted in an effort to silence me, and so was Nyvelion's post because I can guess that they believed that I could have tried reposting what I said, including by ban evading. I obviously don't need to repost OR ban evade in the first place, because I can put their censorship on display for all to see and behold, AS I MADE CLEAR. Nyvelion's own deleted post, meanwhile, was trying to bring another case of abuse (by Autumn Storm against Yuki Kitsune) to attention, even on a slim hope, so the post deletion for a "pragmatic" purpose that was never pragmatic in the first place was absolutely crossing a line on the part of the Advance Wars By Web community as well.
Needless to say that there wasn't much that I could do about that at the time. In effect, I had to wait until Mekkah would eventually post the Mangs & July 2020 video to put into perspective how bad Mangs' actions against Goosaphone and others were. I could be thankful to Mekkah, but unfortunately, at the time, I was going through a bad time thanks to an exploitative, scummy landlord and I had to wait until I could get breathing room from that mess before I could get ANYTHING active going with my response, which took me until the start of March. However, I did more actively post evidence about some key points in my eventual response. Again, bad luck delaying my response denied me ability to get much ground.
What I had to focus on was handling my work with Game Boy Wars 3 to have the patches released soon enough, with involvement of full translation of it to help bring to attention Mangs' atrocities while Re-Boot Camp would be big news. Re-Boot Camp got delayed again, but I had opted to release enough work after long enough anyway. I do at least have two people showing enough signs of loyalty toward me thanking me for my effort and I'm glad, but the ground managed by this is still limited as a whole. There wasn't a whole lot that I could do, so it would be a while before I could really try again.
Things were going along for a while, with promising Advance Wars contributor Melth, a guy who has been making Perfect S-Rank runs of Advance Wars 2 and has proven himself to call out Fake Difficulty which thankfully has him in agreement with me that AW1's Advance Campaign has design problems, was doing a Premiere of The Hunt's End HC, and while I was trying to make points about navy and why improving it would really help the design of the AW games, eventually, on the Comments section, Mangs came by to make another of his comments. Unfortunately, I couldn't simply tell Melth about Mangs' conduct, because what if he was going to be another user who just cared only about entertainment for its own sake like all the Mangs sycophants do? I had to make a video response because of the inevitable complications, but thankfully, a guy named Fionordequester, who was on the Premiere's chat and who I had recognized for multiple video series anyway, had soon after mentioned on a comment of his on the Mangs & July 2020 video that he showed an up-and-coming AW content creator the Mangs & July 2020 video, and I could guess that he was talking about Melth, who has been mentioned to not wanting to work with Mangs, although Melth himself has made no official statements. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one combatting Mangs' abuses, but they haven't stopped Mangs from effectively monopolizing Advance Wars content on YouTube.
One other thing that is ultimately relevant to this day that I'd like to bring up is the involvement of a given jackal of a person, with said jackal having actively helped Mangs in constructing an egocentric ROM hack. This jackal has proven himself to be wanting to play the victim of Mangs' abuses, only to go back to Mangs, time and again. I had initially sympathized with the jackal at one point when the Advance Wars subreddit went into No Sympathy mode against him when he was talking about having been backstabbed over asset theft, by Ephraim225 by the way. I'm revealing that detail because I was, and still am, not happy about him going as far as to deleting my comment about why the Anti-Air Tank deals so much damage to infantry and why that actually works, in order to show active support toward Mangs. He even showed some further sadism toward my person, and while he claimed to eventually see the error of his ways when Mangs backstabbed him by involving monetary payment in the egocentric ROM hack, this didn't take long to prove to be a load, when after I remarked that I'd be willing to forgive him for the sadism if he showed himself genuine, he said that apparently I was the one needing to apologize, and then was quick to mock me again anyway. Later after THAT, I see him be all chummy with Mangs, so I can say that Mangs, Ephraim225, and the jackal are all conspirators willing to use things like defamation and character assassination to undermine anybody who could combat their "entertainment."
This is stuff I bring up to drive home one important concept: Mangs and his clique are every bit guilty of issuing persecution as the likes of Goosaphone call out. I'm a subtle target of said persecution, not a woman or an African American or somebody with different orientation, but I can at least testify about the prejudicial behavior that had been thrown in my direction. And with that, there are THREE points involved in this mess that need particular elaboration, that I will cover actively because of the involved problems, what I can input about them, and why they are relevant in calling out Mangs. I'm also going to make some points about my experiences with my association with a disabilities daycare center that I had been to in the past to punctuate points like how Mangs has no excuse for his heinous behaviors.
Anime North itself, Heavens to betsy[]
Where better to start than the incident that put Mangs on everybody's radar. The summary is that Mangs sexually assaulted a woman in her sleep, manipulated said woman after, and then exploited her. This is already indefensible on Mangs' part about this, and Mangs never owned up, instead trying to silence detractors as "cancel culture" thinking that would somehow make him redeemable instead of the opposite. However, this summary is just the start.
Let's go over what had happened. During arrangements, Mangs and Goosaphone were talking about what was going on with their sleeping spaces and while Mangs claimed that he was an introverted person, in the same breath he was making it clear that he wanted Goosaphone all to himself despite her feeling weird about it, leading Mangs to promise "I won't touch you at Anime North." Later at Anime North, on the eve of May 25, 2019, Goosaphone went to take a nap at another person's room and Mangs just tried to wake her up, to the protests of the other con-goers. Then on the morning of May 26, 2019, Goosaphone awoke to Mangs having his way to her with NO warning or anything.
I need to cover each of those parts because they ALL have blatant red flags that scream Mangs being a sociopath, which will be a highlight in the next section. First, the travel arrangements has Mangs claim that he's "okay" despite his blatant reputation. It should be noted that women in the Fire Emblem communities were even having stalker fantasies with him including comments like a "oh no, a creeper is coming to my town" that were being said with mere humor, which naturally supported the Mangs Points system that encouraged catfighting. But here, Goosaphone was laying down some ground rules. So things should be that simple, but so should Mangs not getting so much support in the first place. If we look at the details, though, they're equally damning of Mangs. The arrangement was for a shared room, which can be argued as Goosaphone cutting corners, a concept that the devil is happy to jump upon and I'll definitely bring this up, but she was already spending travel money, a concept I had repeatedly brought up to dispute victim blaming toward Matthew Pyke. Mangs' own conduct, however, brings up that he made NO effort to direct her to check in with somebody else about her staying arrangements, which an actual introvert would do if they had any reasonable sense of decency. Either that or just be honest about potential or even actual intent. Mangs did neither. This allowed the situation to happen, because Mangs only cared to manipulate a "trophy."
I mentioned before in an easily missed video of mine (from my Secret of Evermore Self-Imposed Challenge Run) that intelligence is a dark power of sorts, because it can make manipulation so easy to do that it can even allow for that being done by accident or otherwise leading good people to thoughtless answers, which is how I come to the conclusion that Break Her Heart To Save Her is paradoxical in the event that genuine intent to handle that just has the "her" go through potentially suicidal Undying Loyalty. I actually had been fearful of pulling manipulation like that, since over a decade and a half ago. However, this is a case where I'm realizing that intelligence is still a tool for various solutions, thinking in my own case how my handling of the involved disabilities daycare center had me at least be wary about clouded judgement on how to protect an erratic client from himself, given the person who was officially looking after the client was a Genki Girl staff worker. That problem had me having to stop visiting for quite a while even before my mom got that damnable stroke because I couldn't come up with something, before I requested a meeting for arrangement, a request that got suffocated by a bureaucracy that, as I thought about recently, didn't even consider so much as a "sorry about your mom" comment in my direction when they simply decided my tenure was over not even 3 months after my mom's death in 2017. Hey, at least I'm caring to call out issues including a potential domino effect from the Genki Girl staff worker being run over by a vehicle on the nearby country street, the very threat to the erratic client, just that I was worried about anything I did to get anything active about this being rendered too ineffective on accusations of shallowness. All the same, the point is that Mangs, at the point where he is pulling manipulation toward a woman, was already capable of other solutions, yet he went with the one that benefitted him and him alone.
Next up is Mangs bothering Goosaphone in her alcohol-induced nap to the protest of Chaz Aria LLC, Lucky Crit, and Vanguard. This is a detail that is glossed over because everybody is so focused on Mangs' assault the following morning, not like I blame them, but the nap interruption is itself an important detail. The reason is because this detail showcases Mangs' intent front and center. Chaz expresses remorse that he let Goosaphone go to Mangs' room after, but I assure you, Chaz Aria LLC, that you did what you could, Goosaphone simply had to wade through her own unhappiness about failure to support Mangs. I know that's a cliche thing to say and I hate relying on cliches, but it's true.
What I can cite about to back up Chaz's regret is again my own experience with the disabilities daycare center. In 2019, at the tail end of the first week of the Kincade Fire, I had a run in with a group from the place, 5 clients and 1 staff member, which was in violation of a 4 clients per staff member capacity for outings that I was told about by the person who I was with at the time. The staff member was the Genki Girl staff member who I mentioned, and when I tried talking with her about stuff, she just sounded lifeless. At first, I didn't talk about that detail out of fear of what I'd be implying, but then I decided a couple of weeks later to just call it out and end up making a de facto confession to what you could probably guess anyway. I was at the point where enough was enough with the politics, saying something to call this issue out better is worth accusasions of shallowness by the disabilities daycare center, or the trolls potentially tracking me to the place for that matter, and that was even if the staff member was faking her lifelessness, which wouldn't have changed the evidence of mismanagement that I had witnessed. And remember that this was well before the alllegations, so this can't be me being some rat fleeing off a sinking ship, just me wanting ladies to be happy and healthy because I would want to see that even when it breaks the pragmatism that I'd be normally associated with, even if at the very minimum I'd be making an inevitably useful statement. Mangs again by contrast just wants glorified pleasure objects, and he proves it with his pressure application toward Goosaphone during the nap.
Of course, we have the main event, where Goosaphone woke up on the morning of May 26, 2019 to Mangs rubbing his bare genitals along Goosaphone's body, in addition to some other actions that weren't as blatant but still there, and this is what Goosaphone was aware of. This is actually made worse by a detail I'm remembering only now at this point in writing, that Goosaphone was drunk the previous night and therefore couldn't have properly consented even if she was awake, but this is awful enough without that issue. Mangs did not care about her capacity for choice. Mangs did not care about her happiness. He simply went in to take what he wanted from a woman like some barbarian. YOU DON'T DO THAT.
I can't even say more about that particular part without just beating on a dead horse. What I can say is that there's supposed to be a point that marriage is supposed to be a system to provide us guys with incentive to treat women with courtesy, even if the system does get exploited all too often by the likes of the #MeToo movement. Mangs doesn't even care about points like that, and if you're going to claim that he lives in Norway, that I'm just spewing some American rhetoric, guess what? Mangs speaks English frequently, and moreover, he is on the internet. Cultural boundaries are not any sort of excuse. This is particularly flagrant when Mangs called an axe "Rape" because of his barbarian roleplay, which while fitting is also vomit inducing in its own right, a show that Mangs' power fantasy is to just kill, rape, and pillage without thinking it possibly villainous, or if he does think that, he simply does not care, as the trolling against my person shows. By the way, you might notice that I've mained a Club in Kid Icarus Uprising, but I have stated on record that my power fantasy is being this protector mage, so I can rightly deconstruct Mangs' attempts at an excuse from yet another reference point.
Now you might be wondering why Goosaphone didn't report this to the police immediately. Well, what if she couldn't in the first place? I mentioned just now that Mangs lives in Norway. Even if Goosaphone lived in Canada, which is where Anime North was, and remember that Goosaphone needed travel money to go to Anime North so she likely is from the USA, Mangs was going to be so hard to prosecute even right away. Let's not forget that she was manipulated, which is not always easy to see yet can lead to damaging effect. I had to deal with manipulation by an exploitative landlord for several years straight even when it was clear that he was a problem, manipulated into staying by the promise that he'd at least have the decency to help with my parents' house even with some way to set up resolution of the politics, and he withheld important information from me to do that until I ended up in blatant hot water that gave me a VERY bad time with literal mere survival because I couldn't just move out without figuratively spitting on my mom's grave. Goosaphone, while somebody who had cut corners and then eventually claimed that Indie was "stealing (her) victimhood" to indicate how amateurish she is, still was dealling with a VASTLY popular figure, without whom she wasn't going to have nearly as much opportunity for getting anywhere. I do make it clear that Goosaphone is by no means a saint, although Indie is worse by all indications for the simple fact that she created chaos with her allegations against Chaz Aria LLC that made everything worse for a moment's clout, but Mangs is simply so revolting with his behaviors that this stops mattering. There are witnesses to Mangs needling Goosaphone in her nap as well, so these points are reliable, the problem being getting a justice system on board when they could be inept, corrupt, busy, or any combination of the 3, and this includes with Interpol, who is all too likely to fall into the last of those 3 as well.
Really, this is probably the worst of the entire mess, but it's not the only thing worth talking about here.
The July 4 statement[]
For those who are wondering about the content of the statement that Mangs made on July 4, 2020, Chaz Aria LLC's "Absolutely Everything" video here (time would be 45:29 if the timestamp link doesn't work as intended) shows it clear as day. He contextualizes it with what was really going on behind the scenes, but even without context, you saw that I had denounced Mangs' alleged Freudian Excuse as a bite of Moral Myopia. With that in mind, we'd want to look at the statement WITHOUT the context of Mangs trying to silence other people already calling him out for atrocious behavior, to help punctuate that Mangs fulfills all the checkmarks of a sociopath.
Mangs starts off announcing deactivation of his Twitter account, talks about how there are stories of abuse, then claims that he himself had been abused in the past, and that's why he wants to involve escapism for both himself and his viewers, before chewing out people who claim he doesn't care. That's the summary.
Now the Twitter account deactivation is practically irrelevant without context, merely leading to the context. What I want to focus on is that Mangs claimed that he had been abused in the past. This is something that Mangs was absolutely vague on. I wasn't going to accept that. Mangs should have been clarifying how he had been abused, because anything less wasn't going to allow for an acceptable conclusion. I called this out in my comment, pointing out that I had to deal with a maggot-filled toilet, which is ultimately on the community for letting bad plumbing run rampant at all even in the 90s. By the way, the bad plumbing that resulted in the maggot-filled toilet was already compromising the sink, yet it didn't stop me from learning to wash my hands, nor did it stop my mom from fixing the toilet at some point in the early 2010s. Mangs should be making effort to try competing with that by specifying how he had been abused, but no, that didn't happen.
The other thing I call out is the escapism claim, and this is what sets off the Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse alarm bells for me in regards to Mangs. Mangs' idea of "escapism" is mockery. He did it to me with the "let the butthurt flow through you" image, and he also involved a video called "(H slur) mad" (I'm not typing out the H slur) that involved a rendition of Habanera that insulted detractors of Byleth in Smash Ultimate for being annoyed with how they ended Fighter's Pass 1 on Fire Emblem character #81,018,001, sword user #81,018,001, AND anime character #81,018,001. If a person's idea of escapism is to bash on other people who go through their own problems, then something about that sounds familiar. But I suppose because Mangs and his clique say so, objectifying and sexually assaulting women, insulting African Americans as a whole with stereotyping, and bashing on people with orientation differences, making all of those groups want escapism, is justified by the bad childhoods of Mangs and his clique that they say nothing about. How about this: NO!
I will repeat my initial comment that was made even without awareness of the allegations: "So you claim you've been abused in the past. Even though I bet you have never dealt with your parents' house having been a God awful mess even before its toilet overflowed to the point of attracting maggots as what had happened 25 years ago.
"Fix it. Do NOT make mockery posts and celebrate the admin's support. You have invalidated your excuse by having done that instead and as a result managed to get in the way of fixing others' problems."
You can see that I was already recognizing the manipulation for what it was: manipulation. I knew NOTHING about the aim of the manipulation, only that it was bad news, that Mangs should be owning up to his behaviors prior already because they have caused some damage.
I need to elaborate real quick on my parents' house for those confused: it had always been a mess even when I was a kid, and the bad plumbing resulted in the maggot-filled toilet in addition to the same bathroom's sink not having its water able to run. I have always wanted to get something about this fixed, a good deal because I had contributed to the problem, although I had realized from the house having multiple bathrooms at all that the problem wasn't entirely my fault but I know better than to get complacent on that point. However, in order to get anything done, I was going to need a suitable support system, which unfortunately I have not achieved. Money from paid work in game design would have been very useful, but sadly, that has been a no go thanks to toxicity in gaming communities as I am testifying. The same toxicity has found a rallying point in Mangs, and Mangs in turn has strengthened the toxicity. It's worth pointing out that toxicity is what Toru Iwatani was intending to counter when he made Pac-Man, by providing a character appealing to women to have arcades more reliably subject to a ladies' touch, please excuse the traditionalist thought there. But I have experienced the maggot-filled toilet, including the requirement of putting plastic boxes in the bathtub for handling defecation. If gaming communities do not care about that, they do not reward overcoming adversity. They are hypocritical.
There's also the point that among the comments I made in the resulting thread, I made a mention that the Fire Emblem communities should have been calling off their friends who had been harassing me. The harassment in question had happened to me in several points, including in response to my comment on RoahmMythril's Let's Vote 2 video, although I deleted and reposted the initial comment to discourage the harassment, like it matters at this point anyway after the disaster with RoahmMythril, long story of digressing. The point is, I had come in there partially to punish the persistent harassment against my person as it was, although that was obviously not my only motivation, but it IS worth noting. It's a show that these people threw about all these hostile behaviors and my comments deconstructing them for their actions were simply a natural response.
All this and I haven't even touched upon the context. Mangs' post wasn't even over some random internet spat as I had thought until 4 days later. No, it was because Goosaphone expressed problems and was having to talk about mental health, and Mangs was showing a lack of empathy toward her, the straw that broke the camel's back for Goosaphone. Mangs realized that Chaz Aria LLC and Goosaphone were going to organize something against him, and you can tell that the community post's real purpose was to sortie people against the two of them.
I think that this is a good time to see if Mangs checks off the requirements for the sociopath based on the July 4 statement post alone:
- Lack of empathy and imperviousness to shame - Mangs was called out for treating Goosaphone so poorly, after having been given so much of a chance to begin with.
- Consumate liar and manipulator - the entire point of the post.
- Need for stimulation - I had come in to protest Mangs having pulled loads against my person that were motivated by cheap laughs.
- Grandiose sense of self-worth - we are talking about a guy who was refusing to be held accountable because he wanted to take whatever he could, consequences be damned.
- Shallow affect - if Mangs truly cared about others, he'd have owned up to the conduct against both me and Goosaphone's group. Instead, he attempted to send his subscriber base against the latter.
This isn't even going into Mangs' general conduct, which provides even more evidence to these points, but I cite the July 4 statement and its surrounding context as more than enough to make it clear that Mangs is a sociopath. Superbus had plenty of problems in his own right including arrogant claims about what he did before the age of 25 that he made to a female user he was banning for making grammar errors, but he was nowhere as bad as Mangs. Let that sink in.
One last thing I do wish to comment on is the notion of mental health, since Goosaphone and Chaz Aria LLC brought up. I advocate the idea of a movement for improving people's mental health, as somebody who has had problems with that, such was a good reason why I had requested to the disabilities daycare center to arrange a meeting to help improve things with the handling of the erratic client back in 2017. Granted, I had attempted to make use of the need for it, which I found out in May 2022 was already made clear to the medical system due to depression even before my mom's death, to better call out the general politics with my parents' house via cemented evidence, but this is legitimate reason regardless. But whatever the details, people like Mangs are never going to care.
How the concept of redemption is undermined[]
The third point that I want to bring up is an action not by Mangs, but a comment by one of his enablers that summarizes the entire problem with the enablers. The comment in question is by a user named "uwntsum" and it is one that is ruined so horribly by context that it's disgraceful. Here is the comment, edited a bit here because of language but otherwise unchanged:
"To those still (pooping) on someone whose done his best to improve, please reconsider. Give people a chance to make amends and you'll end up with more good people in the world than you would otherwise."
Covering about this comment without the context of what "uwntsum" is talking about, it would be a good point. People make mistakes, Lord knows I've made my fair share. But people can grow. People can improve. Even if they'd have to be sheparded for that at times, it can happen and it can only help. If people get shunned for making mistakes, that will at best inevitably invite stagnation, never mind that decay will happen as a result and make things worse with nothing to counterbalance it. We need a society capable of forgiveness.
So what's the problem? Well, again, context, because "uwntsum" is posting this in blatant support of Mangs. And there's not one but TWO issues with the comment as a result. First is the double standards. This is something that should have been provided more actively, and would have been if these people believed their own statement here. That clearly never happened. Yet here they are saying this because their popular figure apparently needs it. At best, this is a case of What Measure Is A Mook at its finest, after all the calling out of that trope no less. This also brings up that according to the Fire Emblem communities in general, the only way your opinion matters is if you have a platform, the sort of attitude that is what allowed Mangs to have so much power in the first place, and the same attitude that kept me from getting anywhere with my points about that lunacy. This does nothing but invite survival of the fittest, which again undermines reason to grow or improve.
It's not just the double standards that is a problem either. There is also the matter that Mangs, who has the sexual assault of Goosaphone on his record and NO remorse about it or his various other stunts including various misconduct toward women, is simply irredeemable. At that point, he's not ever going to use his power to improve things in society. "uwntsum" also claims that Mangs had attempted to improve. I'm sorry, but does the "Nurse Nell" image that he paraded around look like the work of somebody who has stopped being such a chauvinist? If somebody like Mia from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance has her backstory be her defiance of Stay In The Kitchen attitude, what makes anybody sane think that Nell would EVER demean herself to being Mangs' personal nanny? And the Nurse Nell image is something that was made well after the allegations at that. This is not somebody who has improved in the slightest.
Of course, the reality regardless is that Mangs has over 100K subscribers who either don't know, or, more horrifingly, don't care about Mangs' atrocities. And the latter like to use statements like the one by "uwntsum" to justify protecting Mangs' presence. It's bad enough when they imitate their enemies who are intent on protecting others to portray them as "virtue signalling" even keeping in mind that the likes of that exploitative ex-landlord of mine who I complained about prove how sarcasm in saying "the tolerant left" is sadly not unearned for House Democrat, but it's another thing to exploit the cornerstones of a healthy society, to weaponize them for mental gymnastics in supporting a remorseless sexual assailant just to keep having "entertainment" that happens to gleefully bash on the convenient target of the day.
This is why this is about Mangs, not me, Chaz Aria LLC, Goosaphone, or Mekkah. Mangs is never going to own up no matter how many chances he gets to do that, and he is going to milk people he can hide behind.
Advance Wars stuff, finally[]
You might be wondering how the involvement of Mangs becomes relevant in regards to Advance Wars. Well, Mangs had basically monopolized Advance Wars content, even beating out whoisthisgit in view count without effort. He has even taken control of the No Casualties Runs concept, which needless to say is him corrupting the whole point. I can at least be glad that Melth is doing No Casualties Runs of Hard Campaign in Advance Wars 2, but if the jackal isn't mattering, Melth sadly is going to be more of a drop in the bucket in comparison.
But perhaps the most problematic aspect is how Re-Boot Camp has been doing nothing to condemn Mangs for his heinous actions. For starters, and this is a topic that I admit is going to leave me one to talk about rumor coverage policy, Mangs provided support of leaks. He made a video with leak information that eventually got corroborated by actual video evidence by somebody on Twitter who got their copy of Re-Boot Camp by accident. WayForward never listened to me about this when I tried emailing them about the issue, even though there had to be a breach of trust involved in the company that let Mangs receive the information early, in addition to the Twitter user showing a lack of integrity. No, they were too busy with advertisements showing off the "what's an airport" making it in. That is a line I have felt has run its course by the time of advertisement for bolstering the Idiot Hero issue, not helped by how it's all people cared about on an Advance Wars speedrun once it was said, making it a hallmark of repetition.
With the well already poisoned, I may as well provide my 2 cents about a particular bit of execution that gets under my skin, and ironically, it's not gameplay. It's how Max's VA sounds when Max says "Roll, tanks, roll." I easily throw in more energy with lines like that, even if we ignore how I had involved a line of "Ah want mah milk! Gimme mah milk!" when doing an impression of Darmani talking to the Gorman Bros. in Zelda: Majora's Mask. This is doubly insulting because it's stated that the guy behind Sequelitis was the person hired to handle Max's voice, though the lack of energy in the "roll, tanks, roll" line is glaring regardless when Max is in Orange Star, the analogue to America, and has proven fittingly boisterous enough complete with a Berserk Button of being reminded of the design of his indirects that actually befit his character of somebody who prefers close range. If this is an indication of how the voice work is handled, this is bad news.
I'm going to come out with it: I have no real faith that Advance Wars: Re-Boot Camp is going to be a competently handled remaster. And keep in mind that I would want to see a Battalion Wars remaster, and I would even get a Switch for that, or a Kid Icarus Uprising remaster or a Secret of Evermore remaster, though the latter 2 of those are irrelevant here. However, I do not find that a Battalion Wars remaster would be worth enabling the disgraces that have run rampant in the Advance Wars communities, not after everything that has happened as I outlined, especially not when the Battalion Wars Discord servers are just as indulgent in behaviors as the Advance Wars communities. I can also cite that Live-A-Live and Pac-Man World Re-Pac actually give me reason to welcome their remasters, with Live-A-Live involving Anti-Frustration Features as well as the stuff involved with the "I am. I must. I will." line (which has who says it be a MAJOR spoiler, so caution with the spoilers if you're wondering what that's about) so I'd be wanting to take a look at that game's remaster if it were to come out on Steam. PMWRP, meanwhile, didn't even stop improvement at fixing bosses or improving the ending's handling, instead taking care to improve level design as well, with my favorite example being the 1-Up around the 2nd A in "Far Out" having the involved platform's railing be positioned vertically by default to allow for engaging options to allow for grabbing it rather than having to trigger a mandatory switch an additional time.
So what is Re-Boot Camp going to involve to compete? Because what I see of Air Ace Re-Boot is the same default enemy positions, except this time they get improved AI, most notably Eagle being careful about using Lightning Strike. Er, sorry, Lightning DRIVE, because apparently Eagle wasn't the reason Super CO Powers were added in Advance Wars 2. Where I take issue is that No Casualties on this map at all relies completely on baiting the Bomber when Eagle doesn't have Lightning Strike available, or else the Bomber gets to bomb whatever it wants on its second attack, when nothing on land even avoids being 2HKOed even with the AW1 Lightning Strike penalty and even if you have the unit on a Forest, let alone that Eagle can still probably target something he could still 1HKO as well because of the mobility as well.
I can particularly point out that Game Boy Wars 3 actually has every Campaign level be beatable, with Fast Clears too, without losing a single unit, even if plenty of preplanning army composition is demanded, especially in base game. The Arrangement mechanic is an explanation because of maintained units with retained EXP, but some maps actually limit deployment capability, particularly notable on a map like Ryuunoha Island, and then maps like Bissum Desert exist with Interceptors having a whopping 13 Movement Power and FIVE Range in a game where units aren't kept from moving and range firing on the same Day, yet like I say, it's possible in the base game. This is a Game Boy Color game limited to a view of 10x8 as opposed to AW1 and AW2's 15x10, regardless of AI faults as if Advance Wars 1 can talk about that with its involvement of APC targeting exploitation. This is a Game Boy Color game intended to be for people who could only have the Game Boy Color rather than the Game Boy Advance. Yet here it is showing how it is satisfying to make sure everybody gets to go home because you the player got around to watching out against factors like some pesky Anti-Air Tank being dismissed for not being a threat to that heavy armor, that same heavy armor that could be giving vulnerable allies a bullet screen. Game Boy Wars 3 isn't even the only Nintendo Wars series game that works with the No Casualties Run business either, because Battalion Wars has every level in both games beatable with Perfect S-Ranks without a single loss aside from uncontrollable units in a couple of levels in the first Battalion Wars, the result of being able to direct people around like a musical orchestra, and this includes the second game's Co-Op level Under Siege, already the most execution-based level for a Perfect S-Rank and also reliant on the co-op partner being adept enough.
My point is, there is some sense of satisfaction in No Casualties Runs, so those being rendered entirely implausible at minimum reduces skill incentive, already a big problem. This isn't the early 2000s. Even if it was, Advance Wars is a newer game than Pac-Man World and Live-A-Live, so its own remasters shouldn't be making as much excuse for bothersome design. Fog of War levels are particularly problematic in the Advance Wars series in general, having guess-and-check demand that has Melth call out Show Stopper in AW2, keeping in mind that Melth likes playing in Fog on AWBW and even was glad to show off using Fuel calculations for determining enemy unit positions. We should be having better level design that better highlights the appeal of the game system and invites engaging variety, not permanent indulgence in difficulty for its own sake. Unfortunately, the fact that Max has his AW1 stats stay the same at the broken mess that they were suggest that some faithfulness is having to be managed to keep Max from rampaging.
I also wish to deconstruct the "what's an airport" as, again, now a repetitive joke at Andy's expense. It's even worse when an earlier level, with no air units available to the player at that, has Andy show that he actually knows what an air base is. The distinction that he would know what an air BASE is but not an air PORT is equally inane when Andy is supposed to be this kid character of sorts, when kid characters would have natural interest in planes and their ability to fly, so you'd expect Andy to know what an airport is first if he is caring about air units at all. The dialogue in question being restricted to one path doesn't change anything, especially when Nell remarked Andy to be a wise guy in actually non-optional dialogue, which has me much prefer when for example Andy at one point whisper to the Advisor--who Re-Boot Camp removes--voicing his suspicions about Sami looking for a promotion from the way she acts around Nell. Andy is a blatant victim of Never Live It Down, good heavens.
The plot is fine for what it is in general, so Re-Boot Camp wouldn't have to do much about that in case people think I would be expecting the improvements that Live-A-Live and Pac-Man World involved with their stories. It's other glaring points, such as the writing as I call out with the "what's an airport" line, where I have to call attention towards.
That all said, this is a game release that is going to support Mangs. This is going to give Mangs the ability to post coverage of the game, to have it built on the backs of abuse victims like Goosaphone. If, as I witness suggestion of, the remaster shows no effort to fix key gameplay issues (and an undo turn feature does not count when it's just a band-aid), mark my words that Mangs is going to take control of Advance Wars content. It would be him or the Advance Wars subreddit, the latter of whom honestly had proven themselves not much better if at all and involved blatant dishonesty in their own right that led to them being an easy target for mocking attempts to combat Mangs' abuses. And Re-Boot Camp is rumored to release at the end of this week, which could be confirmed by the Nintendo Direct later today as of this post. If confirmation is in the affirmative, then time is a factor at this point.
It's important to even slow down Mangs' grab of power. Even if this wouldn't be helpful with Advance Wars content, it would be better than letting Mangs get away with his atrocities.
Addendum Post-Announcement[]
Now there is something I can't believe I forgot to cover, but it's brought up by a comment that I had seen after I had already submitted this entire post. People are willing to accuse me of hypocrisy in calling out Mangs for treating women as just pleasure objects and doing whatever he wants for that, and for that I should not be "leading" the countermeasures against Mangs' behaviors. Okay then. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that I'm a hypocrite. Let's also assume that we can even ignore that I would have effectively thrown about Hypocrisy Nods throughout this post in that regard, in interest of making sure that any women seeing this would get to decide what to do while having a key bit of important information, as I actually would have hinted at in my first response to Nyvelion's deleted post by the way. Let's ultimately assume that the claim of me being a case of It's All About Me could be true.
Okay, here's the big issue there: I wasn't even part of the group that provided the allegations. All I was then, was an individual who was already wronged by Mangs in unrelated ways that aren't even as drastic, simply that they're relevant for corroboration as I spent an entire section punctuating. I'm in no way able to hijack the allegations. You could remove my testimony as a whole and you'd still be left with Mangs being somebody proven to have claimed African Americans to have low IQ, as well as on-screen F-slur naming of a bow weapon to insult a given character for his orientation, on top of, oh yes, the sexual assault of a sleeping woman, who naturally wouldn't even have had the chance to provide some warm smile even if we ignore the surrounding details. The damning evidence would still be there and plentiful, just that the sources providing them are already put under scrutiny because they have their own problems and it leads to the likes of the Advance Wars subreddit, for all that they have enough problems to deserve as much like a Stop Having Fun Guy being allowed to run around long enough to claim "diversity for its own sake" over an aesthetic that the Famicom couldn't have involved, being a convenient target for a slander campaign all the same, never mind that Mangs and his clique are happy to tar whoever they want with the same brush.
What claims of hypocrisy in my directions are trying to do is trying to tell me that I should do nothing to try to help combat Mangs' grip regardless of points I could provide from my own perspective. Apparently, making no effort to help would help people like Goosaphone, Nyvelion, MKayKitKats...you get the picture. If those claims are even coming from somebody who IS anti-Mangs, then they're just undermining their own campaign, because part of the premise promised by Mekkah is that Mangs should be owning up to the women who he has wronged, although obviously we know that's asking Mangs, who is a proven sociopath as again I outlined, to do that much. Why is that notion only extended to Mangs? Instead, we have people continually being hostile, needlessly, toward Chaz Aria LLC as well, which made combatting Mangs' abuses so much harder.
It's funny that double standards could even be considered as an argument against me, after my post about Lin in Days of Ruin being a Magnificent Baddie no less, when double standards is what gave Mangs so much power in the first place. The people did not care that he treated women as cheap pleasure objects. They did not care about his laughable gameplay that leads to him being dismissive to threats to "lesser" units, which is where I brought up about the Anti-Air Tank analogy in my point about No Casualties Runs. They did not care that he only cares to use what he IS talented in for popular things. And they did not care when he pulled behaviors that straight up were for his own cheap laughs at MASSIVE expense to others. All they cared about is "humor" which does not make a person good automatically, and that's when the sense of humor itself is anything healthy in the first place, not abusing custom naming for heinous insults or gleeful abuses.
I can't even in good faith say the women are blameless either. As I already mentioned, there were women who indulged in stalker fantasies with Mangs in the early days of Mangs' power run on the Fire Emblem communities. Some of the allegations even back this sort of point to testify about that disgusting Mangs Points system, though at least those women making the given allegations, to their credit, had made effort to own up now. Still, they did not consider the idea of setting up a competition against Mangs, or ESPECIALLY signal-boosting underdogs, to avoid letting him monopolize Fire Emblem content; that would have saved us a lot of trouble with Mangs. To them, all that's worth caring about is pre-built handling, with NO regard to maintenance on either end, rather than some notion of things like bravery and growth that could lead to better things in the long run like more casual streamlining. I thought California was the blatantly overindulgent state that I live in and I have to contest to make sure things can possibly improve, not the internet, something that is supposed to be a way to get around California's territorial paranoia and general apathy-induced bias. But it just hurts to see women make their own bed about the Mangs mess.
Either way, if people are going to involve politics for its own sake, even when it clearly gets in the way of combatting Mangs for mistreatment of women, just to manage so little potential gain for their "justice" that clearly can't be involving double standards (read: their egos), then they do not care in the least about the health of the community.
You might also have noticed that I have kept the RBC page locked, when surely at this point I would have noticed RBC's release date being provided, I could just edit it in so I must be making sure that people see this post. Again, this goes back to the claims people make that I shouldn't be doing anything to use my platform to fight these injustices that I can rightfully denounce on points from my own perspective. And yes, you might have noticed that I do have admin power here, which is more than what I can say with GameFAQs, where rape and discrimination are actively advocated to where enough people there support Mangs; the Advance Wars subreddit, where dishonest behavior by the admins enabled Mangs until it was time to jump ship and then still enabled GipFace long enough for him to spew racist rhetoric; or Advance Wars By Web, which is subscribed to tribalism and will delete unrelated posts calling out other abuses. That last one even points out an important counterpoint to the politics: Nyvelion making her post calling out Autumn Storm for abuses against Yuki Kitsune, the post that was deleted by my opposition, has NOTHING to do with whether or not I could be both genuine and deemed as such, as all I did was provide a response; and everything to do with Nyvelion herself being genuine. We are talking about communities that only care to create soulless overthinking, and they do it out of hubris.
Toxic masculinity and why it's a problem[]
There's another point to bring up that I never thought about when originally writing this post that a decade-long friend of mine, loyal enough to me as well, had brought up, that needs its own mini-section: toxic masculinity in the Advance Wars communities. I had actually testified against this once, but I didn't think it relevant enough to be worth people trying to turn my entire testimony into some prisoner's dilemma idiocy. Now, however, I remember about the point more actively. The video is viewable here for those interested, but the summary is that for how the female characters in the AWs are written well enough, there is a dearth of female presence in the Advance Wars communities, the communities' small size not being a valid excuse, and it tracks back to game design issues that lead to bullying with unit spams. You can't exactly spam units in Fire Emblem, even if that has the exact opposite problem of low man juggernauting; nor does permadeath play nice with throwing units into the meatgrinder. In Advance Wars, you're expected to build unit after unit until the opponent submits or drops dead. Advance Wars 1's idea of addressing this was having Advance Campaign only grade on Speed and then having strict Perfect S-Rank time limits that scream for suicide HQ rushes. Even later games don't have ranking for No Casualties Runs. And of course, ranking doesn't necessarily reflect optimal play, just encouraging usage of gameplay features, so it can end up stuck being a band-aid.
I'm going to mention again about the Anti-Air Tank analogy that I used for Game Boy Wars 3. I can cite that the regular tanks are inevitably battlefield titans, which brings to mind that the way armor units get handles reflects on the commander, not just in the commander's plans, but in their morality as well. Titans who don't care about the little guy only care to rampage around, only care to cause devastation in their wake. The titans who watch their step for the little guy, on the other hand, are the ones using their armor for a better purpose. Here, the regular tanks' mighty existence do not keep the Anti-Air Tank from still shooting up Lite Land units such as Work Cars if the latter gets the chance to do so. This alone hits regular tank spam with susceptibility to economy failure, creating added vulnerability to anti-armor. There's also GBW3's unit variety in its own right, which allows for a composition of soft-counter responses alone that can disrupt the spam with unpredictability as well as covering any hard-counter units, at the same time also encouraging key location control by having a higher demand of unit type count for coverage. This vastly improves slippery slope balance with having it focused on the post-decisive blow portion and also better punctuates kinetic decision making. That is good gameplay.
Toxic masculinity doesn't understand any of that. All it cares about is crushing all who stand in its way with overwhelming passive ability and taking what it wants. At best, that's boring, never mind all the lack of morality involved with it. I believe I mentioned my power fantasy being this protector mage. That concept involves keeping the little guy safe and guided, and managing Back To Back Awesome with the powerhouse as well. Those sorts of things are interesting, and they stay with you.
It's a funny thing how Skyscraper Club in Kid Icarus Uprising is a reflection of this when I mained that especially to check out if KIU treats the Mighty Glacier/Melee Tornado hybrid with enough courtesy to encourage better variety, even if the idea that it's meant to involve a melee mage playstyle does personally appeal to me anyway, but then again, the purpose of a skyscraper is to accommodate more people either directly or indirectly, rather than the Tower of Babel's idea of trying to reach the heavens hoping to storm God's domain with some hive mind. I point this out because, again, Mangs has been known to favor axes, and he in his actions bolsters the stereotyping associated with the physical powerhouse, which emboldens OTHER negative stereotypes in the process now that I think about it. My involvement of Skyscraper Club is in awareness of its having the consistently lamentable combination of low effective range against decent dodgers who can play keepaway capitalizing upon as much, and abysmal mobility, tactically THE worst of any weapon type in KIU it turns out as well; and yet I'm more interested in advertising a game as consistently fast-paced while still methodical enough, and if that proves to be the case with a Mighty Glacier who has a clear sense of slowness, that's inevitably a hallmark of TLC intent on allowing the promotion of growth.
The other thing I can point out about why toxic masculinity is a problem is what women would be more reliable in bringing to the table when they actually care instead of joining in on playing the sadist game. It's not just empathy that becomes welcome. There's also finesse and creativity. Women care more about stylish skill because it fits more with the notion of flexibility, and they're more likely to manage innovation as well to keep foes confounded out of overrunning their targets with overwhelming stat advantages. This is a welcome concept, the sort of thing you can see from the age old story of David and Goliath, something that would innately keep this from being about gender except because the well is already poisoned.
I should clarify on my stance about being an advocate for encouraging anti-armor, because that's inevitably the more masculine option for breaking down ol' Goliath than staying out of risky ranges, but whichever is more masculine or feminine does not change that exact opposite problems can still exist, nor does it especially change when bullying can just take on a new, more subtle form arguably capable of being even more dangerous to community health. It's fair to call out keepaway as something a 5 year old could come up with, and in case you think you can convince me of otherwise, I seem to recall something about Blue Yoshis in Super Mario World, but I can't quite put my finger on it. At any rate, inevitably, people come up with countermeasures for evasion if it isn't so busted to ruin counter play in the first place. Anti-armor by contrast can allow for diffusing the potential time bomb that the armor is inevitably guarding.
There's also the point of wanting to be the one to make the abilities, not the other way around. Anti-armor is guaranteed to be a clearly clumsy choice, but this does not require the user be clumsy in and of themselves. If anything, mastery of multiple forms of anti-armor will be a sign of the player having the aptitude to turn it from seemingly useless junk into a tool of marvel rewarding the little guy or gal for ingenuity. Anti-armor options don't always have to be blunt either; Kid Icarus Uprising, for example, involves Power Thief, which simply steals Power charges for its involved risk, namely having to be at close range to make use of it at all and then revealing useful information to the opponent without an added chance of gaining direct momentum, but it makes use of the way Kid Icarus Uprising balances defensive power to discourage button mashing with a build that has commonly become associated with more typical bullying, and I'd actually be happy if a KIU remaster could make Power Thief as capable, without losing the same weaknesses that I point to, of general viability in multiplayer meta as Meteor Shower.
I'm just needing to bring this up when finesse and creativity can always find themselves disrupted, by the very bullying that they're intended to combat at that. It has to show itself capable of shaking off the bullying, which is innate reason why a game like Battalion Wars has appeal by involving overcoming the faster-pace in handling of tactics and strategy. I can also talk about Pac-Man himself, who was designed to appeal to women and couples, having his design evolve to have him care increasingly more about risk assessment, with Pac-Man World giving him multiple melee attacks for the combat in Pac-Man World, and Smash Bros. even giving him the Fire Hydrant as a primary form of anti-armor. The summary is, ignis aurum probat. Or fire (ignis) tests (probat) gold (aurum). And it applies with finesse and creativity as well. I can certainly already tell you that that's why the Genki Girl archetype tends to be so adept with the latter at least as well, when she has clear control of the fire and is simply making sure that she's accomplishing things before burnout becomes a problem.
And again in regards to Pac-Man's creation, Toru Iwatani was seeing a problem with arcades being uninviting messes and aimed to fix that by inviting women over to create a domino effect. After my own experiences with a house that had a maggot-filled toilet, that had to use plastic boxes in the bathtub to fix that problem, because the community didn't give a damn about its plumbing system, I would rather women help wake us up to the problem. Even if they probably still should lead by example to avoid the exact opposite problem, as long as they set up a system that is working in getting us guys better up and running in fixing the problem, preferably doing things like noting when us guys get hit with things like writer's block that like to create dead time, that would work. For reference, I have proven myself willing to do bathroom detail, a task that I have noted most people simply do not like, and I just need equipment to get things going, which is why the politics with my parents' house has been such a problem for the longest time. Digressing aside anyway, most gaming communities remark that somehow, the grime is simply good for the culture, ignoring that grime is natural, hence maintenance is called such as a result of it coming up. Even without that, they use customs that cross into outright gross, and it reflects on the language usage as well, as displayed with the Cross Assault incident. That's not ignis aurum probat in play; that's outright sadism.
In regard to Advance Wars, I'm not even sure the American games cared to understand this sort of stuff enough. The most I can think of is the CO Unit system in Days of Ruin, which, being blatantly overwhelming power boosts that lead to more, unnecessary difficulty in creative map design just to check issues like Tabitank shenanigans, would have benefitted from bigger maps being standardized for multiplayer to make the CO Unit more feasible to evade, but that shouldn't be a necessity in the first place, especially if things get to the point where the penultimate Campaign map is only 9 tiles tall, a shorter height than the minimum used on the GBA games themselves, so I'm still calling out the Counter Play issues in the CO Unit system. That along with the Anti-Tank, itself a balance mess that also damages pacing where it shouldn't, are also exclusive to Days of Ruin, until which I can't really think of much of anything that isn't more arms race involvement or straight up gimmicks. Mind you, things like using Fuel values to determine enemy compisition should be something left to the player to come up with, but the issue is accessibility to medium level play, and we're in a day and age where we shouldn't be afraid of Game Boy Wars 3's unit variety, which would help display the potential of the gameplay system and also make capability of countering the spammable units more versatile, because the non-banking stuff for tank countering being 2 unit types that are so slow and 1 unit type that easily eats a hard counter to combat its flying ability is going to be polarizing to balance, where the addition of the Humvee, which has to care about terrain navigation and susceptibility to swarming and HMG fire but can point counter the Anti-Air Tank and is fast enough for versatility in an open area, and the IFV, which has cost-ineffective defenses but is otherwise versatile including with infantry transportation, would make things more interesting. Again, I doubt Re-Boot Camp understands this.
Of course, again, it goes back to the core problem: we have a community that dictates that either you get the 6/450 on Waylon Flies Again, a map that turns into a slog after surviving an initial air superiority siege without pre-owned deployment points, or you just suck at the Advance Wars games. It shows with how much they think Advance Wars 1's Advance Campaign is pinnacle design, not the riddled mess of ranking mishandling that I called out earlier. This is their ego trips talking, retorting that any design exploitation such as Save Scumming is worth bragging about. If the problem was exclusively the design exploitation, I'd have significantly more of a problem with Melth doing Save Scumming for T-Minus 15 HC, which brings to attention that Melth is actively calling out surplus luck involvement to begin with (I agree there, if because of the map design, not Flak himself who IMO is simply doing his job in gameplay as I outline, no different from a character like Wreck-It Ralph), so the problem is the lack of shame from the communities.
These are the communities that handed Mangs and GipFace their power free of charge. These are the communities that did so, knowing that GipFace was willing to victim blame a lust-induced murder victim on an ego trip, only apologize 8 years down the line and only for the mockery with a Christmas song rendition as shown by later victim blaming of the same guy, and that Mangs had so many red flags about the way he treated women. These are the communities that happily brag about "pregnant blonde housewives" as trophies in their own signatures and also delete posts by women calling out legitimate issues for mere association with events the women had no control over. These are the communities that will scream anybody who tries to combat the damage done by these two figures to the name of Advance Wars to be hypocrites without regard that the best they can hope for is retort that it takes one to know one, and that's without accounting for any potential of the accused providing Hypocrisy Nods intent on protective intel provision no different from Chaz Aria LLC's telling Indie about her being a woman with her own agency in the first place. These are the communities that claim to value women, yet here they are creating yet more needless politics that only served to have innocents like Nyvelion caught in the crossfire and want to get in the way of fixing the damage there, because at best, they simply do not care. Instead, they're very much busy providing support to Mangs to this day well after it became clear what he did to a woman in her sleep at a cross-country convention, even against any official statements that they may make. This has to stop.
Why does this even matter?[]
This is another addendum that I'm having to add. I can first thank User:Toravisu13, the other Bureaucrat, for being supportive in calling out Mangs' heinous actions, and for also granting me permission to reveal as much, so he does make it easier for me to deconstruct Mangs on the Advance Wars Wikia. The problem I have to worry about in managing this message provision is competition, namely the Wars Wiki. I privately contacted NIWA to talk about the Wars Wiki and it turns out that there's an active admin, who at least isn't holding Xenesis Xenon's dishonesty, but he reveals himself to only really care about traffic, and when I tell him about Mangs, he's not wanting to talk about it even when I show him the Mangs & July 2020 video.
I'm going to go over this point: we are talking about somebody who is trying to be neutral, in a situation where the side headed by a guy who sexually assaulted a woman in her sleep after plenty of manipulation currently has overwhelming advantage because of a 100K strong userbase including significant hack makers. Now I will say that Wars Wiki is intended to be professional, unlike vanilla TV Tropes, or at least what vanilla TV Tropes is supposed to be instead of a site that bans people for mere grammar errors. Even then, however, as Mekkah pointed out as if I myself needed him to, the discussion about Mangs' conduct needs to keep going. If the admin is not going to care what Mangs did or why Mangs is a threat to the health of Advance Wars communities, it's not going to matter if he doesn't, or didn't now, know, not when he will make no effort to help. Mercifully, Wars Wiki is not going to provide content of Mangs', providing he keeps his promise of as much, though the admin also revealed about not caring about translation patches in the first place, which is a red flag of Wars Wiki being too impersonal anyway.
I think at this point, I will want to look into setting up a merger between this very Wikia and the Battalion Wars Wikia, which I already have Bureaucrat power on as well. The point would be to help advertise Battalion Wars better to address it being niche, although given the current circumstances, that's not going to be top priority, so I'm digressing right now.
The real problem here goes back to the Fire Emblem communities' claim that in order to have a valid opinion, you have to have a platform. It's obvious that I have a platform, so what more do the Fire Emblem communities want? I know whatever it is doesn't matter, and whatever it is is simply too much at best, because they wouldn't be making excuses if they wanted to care.
Still, after all this, you the reader might still think that we shouldn't be calling out a specific user, that we should just enjoy the game instead of being "woke." Content is still being provided regardless of the source. It still gives something to work with for talking about the game that we have come to form these communities over.
In short, all a player wants is to do fun things. Well, wouldn't we all.
The simple point is empathy. It's a good reason why I needed to talk about Mangs' July 4 statement as actively as I did, not because the statement is one of Mangs' worst actions despite being an attempt to set up a psychological lynch mob against Mangs' victims, but because the statement reflects on Mangs' character. What I am focusing on with the July 4 statement at this point is not Mangs being a sociopath, but the innate hypocrisy of the escapism claims. We're talking about people like the gaming communities in general saying that they want to get away from abuses, but then they inflict the same abuses, or worse, on OTHER people. It's a spit in the face of people who genuinely suffer, when these people choose to be as bad as or even outright worse than they say their own abusers are, and this discourages others from providing sympathy.
I should bring up that a health class of mine in high school had its textbook dedicate a chapter to cover about bullying, and raised the question of where the fire stops and who puts it out. I'm not a fan of personally telling people "two wrongs don't make a right", a statement that is made even harder to remember by the likes of the Advance Wars subreddit having power already yet choosing to use that power to fan the flames, resulting in the likes of Mangs having the power that he does. I just want to bring up that analogy to make it clear that no, Mangs' claims of a Freudian Excuse, even if they could be true, do not absolve him or his subscriber base of the way they treat their "target practice" that is made clear to be victims of prejudice who could want to get away from a crooked society in its own right. They have the awareness AND the power to put out the fire. Instead, they just choose to fan it because they want "escapism." Mangs' idea of "escapism" is denying OTHER, real people stress relief. That's just sadism.
Additionally worth mentioning is in regards to the treatment of women, via WHY they're more vulnerable to abuse, namely that they're less likely to have as much physical strength as men. In fact, there's already a definite possibility of the man even inadvertently doing more damage than welcome to the woman with a mere hug, one more reason I think women should learn to be trained up, to make sure that they don't suffer for receiving affection. I can guarantee that's why women want their marriage while men want their fun, and obviously both turn that into an important Equivalent Exchange, at least that's supposed to be the standard. Exceptions to that can be positive or negative.
Does Mangs give a damn about this sort of thing? NO! He just takes what he wants like some barbarian, and the surrounding manipulation before, during, AND after Anime North proves he doesn't care. Mangs is somebody who wants to grab power and then abuse it to cause widespread suffering.
Now I know on the internet, physical capability is nowhere near as important, but the expectation from that that women would have something to work with just brings up that I would expect the internet to not have the same brand of toxicity, at alarming levels no less, that you expect from California. Here, women are subject to becoming lust objects regardless, which makes the internet less inviting for them, particularly when their opinions are silenced, as what had happened to Nyvelion thanks to Advance Wars By Web's misconduct. Even worse, the toxic behavior being rewarded as much as it has been causes it to spread like a virus, and the internet amplifies it because of its availability.
It's even worse because these problems also somehow occur in real life too uncontested, as we saw in the Cross Assault incident. This causes even further distrust, which is the basis of GipFace's victim blaming of Matthew Pyke, that Matthew Pyke gave his address in England to a Germany native on the internet and apparently mocked the Germany native, and that's what got him killed, because clearly David "GipFace" Lim the guy who bragged repeatedly about his Wi-Fi T-Shirt from a Days of Ruin tournament that has his real name plastered for some determined would-be murderer to use to look up his address doesn't indulge in similar or worse toxicity ("diversity for its own sake", anybody?) than what he accuses Pyke of, and David Heiss the guy in Germany certainly didn't spend travel money to cross water via a plane ride that involved security that he would have faked out to try to avoid being caught stabbing a guy in England 86 times. We need fewer of these heinous figures, ones who are making their own choices, running around causing this idiocy. I can even cite that there are legitimate members of the government such as my county's assessor's office who are undermined by corrupt figures having all the power, and it causes too many problems as a result.
There is pushback by people like Chaz Aria LLC against these problems that is worth bringing up. I call to attention how Chaz Aria LLC conducts himself in the "Absolutely Everything" video as a guy who can be summarized by this quote well into the video: "Indie, you're an adult with your own self-agency. What do YOU want to do?" It's consistent as well both with his making a point that women don't always feel safe on the streets like men do, and that he was determined to keep Goosaphone from "walking into that room again" (AKA he's intent on keeping Goosaphone safe from Mangs), and even if Chaz was still guilty and lying, that doesn't change that he is doing something useful regardless because of these statements.
Mekkah's own video, "Mangs & July 2020", which I promised to talk about, also goes into 2 hour detail about why Mangs' actions are a problem. Now I will cite that as I learned, Mekkah has a habit of ghosting people, in tandem with how he already gets accused of being elitist, which it wouldn't be surprising to me if those accusations are true, although that's outside the scope of this post as a whole. This doesn't change that Mekkah is pouring in time and effort to call out somebody he had once considered a friend. That should make clear that whatever Mekkah's own faults are, calling out Mangs' conduct is not the result of bias.
"Mangs & July 2020" also brings up about what happened with Project Ember, which I didn't think to talk about until this point in writing, but it's also involving good points in their own right. Mangs' lack of remorse is self-explanatory at this point, mind you, but I do also wish to go over other points. As I stated at the start of this, I have an interest in game design. As people should be aware, I handled several patches for Game Boy Wars 3 including the PALBal balance patch. I had talked about a couple of friends about a given custom CO idea involving the design space from the PALBal balance patch. But because of all the dishonesty from Mangs and his sycophants, I can't share these ideas in general, not when I know that these ideas would just get abused. This is also why the jackal is a problem, after his repeat attempts to play the victim to pull his general mockery, and then his blatant support of Mangs that includes contributing to the egocentric ROM hack.
There's also the positive effect that "Mangs & July 2020" involves, to validate efforts to combat Mangs. First off, I had seen before that staying silent about Mangs' atrocities only allows Mangs to gain power silently and uncontested, hence some of my active efforts to combat Mangs, particularly in 2021. Mekkah similarly points out that preventing discussion about Mangs doesn't work, and that's with him being unaware of the Advance Wars communities being corrupt up to and including the deletion of Nyvelion's post calling out other abuses, so he's not even needing to realize that Mangs has corrupt figures in the Advance Wars communities to work off of like any other case of Old Nick.
The other effect worth mention is getting more people to recognize that Mangs is a problem, at the very least providing more convincing evidence and testimony in a more reliably condensed format clocking in at close enough to 100K characters. That by itself is useful in making sure that the word is spread.
Of course, I will also say that there are already Defectors From Decadence post-allegations who weren't happy about some "(backslash)feg(backslash)" video by Mangs that I can guess from the acronym was chauvinistic and apparently it was even worse than my guess, although I did tell my source to not give me details in case they can testify themselves, but I AM bringing this up to call out the actions of the jackal yet again for also making a mockery of Defectors From Decadence. I'm going to make this clear: the jackal is trying to spread hate, by pretending to be a DFD in order to get "justification" to tell people to never, ever apologize, to only care about posturing. These communities already have enough problem with blatant disincentive to apologize because of ego trips from the people in power all around, thank you. The jackal is just one of those hypocrites and this is yet another reason why. The fact that we have the existence of legitimate DFDs who had supported Mangs past the allegations and the non-apology video until some form of legitimate standards kicked in, and I for one am quite willing to treat them as such, denies any other explanation of the jackal's behaviors.
When all is said and done, all of us make a choice. It's not something I personally wish to believe, not after everything that has happened, and not when living by that logic begs to be going down a slippery slope in failing to display sympathy toward others anyway, but everything involved here shows that it's true, and it definitely applies here. Still, at least we can make sure that people's choices are more thought out, more streamlined, although that does bring up that plenty of key Mangs sycophants are people who should know better, yet they don't care, so that compounds the problem of finding the legitimate people who simply found what they find to be merely an entertainer, not the devil. Even then, there are people who will care, and they can make sure that the voice of Mangs and his sycophants can be drowned out, so the real problem is making sure that they see what is going on, no mitigation by the corruption of the likes of the Advance Wars subreddit.
For my part, I'm writing up this blog post as a whole, bolstered by my own efforts to combat abuses by the Advance Wars communities well before Mangs was even a thing. The Advance Wars subreddit's membership can't delete it. They can't maliciously edit it. They can't ban me from here. They're without options to try to censor me, except maybe to try to slow down my URL provision of the post on other sites, but even that has the point that eventually, people will notice this post because this is the Advance Wars Wikia, and once they do, they will be putting the Advance Wars subreddit on blast for enabling Mangs and GipFace for so long despite blatant red flags with both of them, not to mention persistent dishonesty, the same dishonesty that begs for another Mangs or GipFace to worm their way into power without anybody's notice.
Also worth noting is that not everybody on Advance Wars By Web is past the Moral Event Horizon, just the powers that be there for deleting Nyvelion's post so unfairly. I can especially mention about a guy named Go7 who has been streaming Advance Wars 1's Advance Campaign recently due to the announcement of RBC's release date. While he calls out the Fog of War levels being so slow and navy being horribly underpowered, to the point where he hopes RBC will fix that sort of thing (and thankfully, this is the ONE advantage of Advance Campaign having such bad handling, that active fixes are likely with the 300 Point system, but I'm not holding my breath), this by itself wouldn't have him be worth mention at this point. What does, is that he pointed out to me when I made a jab against Mangs without any name provisions, that he doesn't allow Mangs content nor will he associate with Mangs, keeping in mind that he was assuming me to be new to the scene. So at the very least, news about Mangs is inevitably getting somewhere. Hopefully, more and more people can get to deconstructing Mangs. Even if some people will still prefer to keep discussion about Mangs to a minimum in an effort to avoid empowering him, an actually fair point for a YouTube channel rather than a full-blown community, just my making this blog post will provide a safe space for discussing Mangs anyway.
One last thing that I wish to cover with how long this post already is, is that all the time and energy spent on this is time and energy spent on community politics. Believe me: thinking about it now, I'd rather cover about gameplay aspects, especially from Game Boy Wars 3 and the Battalion Wars games, and you see that I still do that even in this post at times, although the Battalion Wars games mentions are indirect, merely involving design points that I incorporated into my PALBal patch. I would much rather provide suggestion on how these games, and especially Spiritual Successors, can improve upon the gameplay. However, these politics have always been a nightmare, and Mangs is the primary show of why that is. It's more important to fight against Mangs' evil, than be yet another overindulgent figure subscribed to tribalism. That's the biggest pain: that the actions of Mangs and those who enabled him for so long forced upon us all these politics that only serve to slow down development. I think this was under the radar in the Fire Emblem community because that's big enough to afford as much, but the Advance Wars communities are small enough to have made already pre-existing in-fighting a problem as it was.
The people who especially suffer because of these God awful politics are good women. They aren't going to get anywhere with the idea of development as long as people throw about plenty of hostility. And you can't tell me that women could be useless; I can just link to this YT video about Singapore that indicates its development to have been spearheaded by a woman who cares about the place. We should be taking cues from that, and a good start would be encouraging women to have more bravery, creativity, and patience, which would especially be helped by showing that to be worth the trouble in the first place.
Since this post has been long enough, I may as well provide some bullet points of important highlights to close this off, in hopes that I don't have to add anything further:
- Mangs is a figure of prejudice in general against more than women, and is a sociopath as well; the mess with the July 4 statement especially proves as much
- Women being far from blameless, as much as that is the case especially with enough accomplices to Mangs until they got cold feet, does not absolve Mangs of his own actions in the least; Mangs still used blatant manipulation for cheap pleasure
- Women understanding why the phrase "ignis aurum probat" exists would help, but that doesn't excuse the sadism thrown about by people like Mangs
- There is more than enough evidence against Mangs, separating him from Vic Mignogna, an actual victim of "he said she said" idiocy from the #MeToo Movement
- The people who provide testimony against Mangs do not have any personal faults of theirs instantly invalidate their testimony at all under the clause of individual POVs involving reference points, especially not if the providers of the testimony are providing enough effort about that to begin with
- Mangs is attempting to become the face of Advance Wars, something he can easily achieve if he isn't put in check ASAP
- The Advance Wars communities are riddled with dishonesty and general corruption from the powers that be, going as far as to delete a post by a woman who was trying to bring to attention an otherwise unrelated case of abuse, and will give Mangs an easy ride to power if they are not sufficiently called on this issue, the Advance Wars subreddit especially being a convenient scapegoat for undermining efforts against Mangs regardless of them deserving such after everything that happened with GipFace
- There are especially some ugly hawk-dove games being created by the Advance Wars communities as well as the Mangs sycophants, disincentivizing more healthy action
- Some Advance Wars content creators, such as Fionordequester, Melth, and Go7, are actually good people and also are against Mangs, but they lack the necessary influence to counterbalance this mess where things stand
- Unfortunately, Mangs has support from the inside from game hackers such as Ephraim225 and the jackal, both of whom in their own right just want cheap laughs as well
- In general, the Advance Wars communities REALLY have to address the problem of toxic masculinity, to end the disincentive for women to have bravery, creativity, and patience
Now before I go into the Closing section, I am aware that I didn't provide too many links and whatnot. I am worried about the same hawk-dove games that I just complained about being thrown about, because we already have fake defectors being sneaky to support Mangs directly. If I am sure that somebody is honest enough, I'd be up for communication on Discord as far as questions go. I'm MasterKnight#2492 there for anybody who needs to know that. Where things stand, though, there are too many people wanting to support the agenda of cheap laughs that Mangs is spearheading, an agenda that only serves to hurt us all.
Bonus: Mangs' hate VS the Magikarp Power trope[]
This is a subject that I didn't remember about when writing this general post, but as of the day I start writing this section (4/29/2023), I had remembered, and this is a subject that is so asinine about Mangs that it deserves its own section. You might not think otherwise, but here are the 2 seemingly innocuous entries about this on Mangs' vanilla TV Tropes page that is not put under scrutiny by that site that claims to be against the mistreatment of women, something that has me realize about the problems that I'm going to go into:
- Pet-Peeve Trope: Mangs doesn't like the trope Magikarp Power, especially in regards to Fire Emblem characters, where this is referred to as the Est archetype.
- Unperson: He refuses to acknowledge Est's existence to the point of killing her (in Shadow Dragon) and not recruiting her (in Echoes).
By itself, the Magikarp Power hate already offends me. The whole point of the Magikarp Power is to show that genetics and other such advantages are not a be-all end-all, and that hard work and determination do pay off even if it would be in subtle ways that don't have to allow for building a parking lot without hands to be impressive. You could argue that Gyarados, the evolved form of the Trope Namer, takes quadrupled damage from things like the signature attacks of their franchise's mascot, but that hasn't stopped people from seeing competitively viable worth with Gyarados. The whole concept is that loyalty mixed with TLC is what the more welcome people have.
Then again, with how Mangs has rallied hate toward "inferiors" because of "entertainment" reasons, I can't say I'm surprised at this point. Really, at this point, I cant wait for Mangs to say the same things as the still FAR more sympathetic villain here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xpht1WXBzcc
Of course, there's more to the whole story to go through. See, what is going on with the character known as Est is that Fire Emblem does not counterbalance low availability well in regard to needing level ups, and Est consistently suffers both problems even outside New Mystery of the Emblem where characters joining after a certain point were nicknamed "Free Silvers" for being grossly incapable of doing anything useful but provide free Silver weaponry, as well as extra item slots I suppose. Now we can chew out Fire Emblem for lacking considerations with balancing, but the more important issue is that Mangs is hating and bashing a character, a woman character at that for failing an arms race.
What is worth pointing out is that Est is, at least reported to be, a Genki Girl.
To be sure, looking through Est's dialogue, I don't see her being on level with Maya Fey or Athena Cykes from Ace Attorney, or Marle from Chrono Trigger, or even some competition in the Fire Emblem series itself. What I do see is that she is STILL a decently vibrant personality for the trope, though there's active reliance on her being the youngest of the Whitewings for that.
The fact of the matter is that Mangs is not giving a damn about personality regardless. Because the combat capability happens to be miserable, this one well-meaning character suddenly deserves to be subject to Uriah Gambits and whatnot? Excuse me?
Once again citing about the Genki Girl staff worker at the disabilities daycare center, I have witnessed about a past high-functioning client basically call her brain-dead behind her back. The client in question already would say things like "that's what she said" on active repeat, so already he was a chauvinist, but the backtalk bugged me even then, which was before April 2015, to where I would try to respond by reading off of the Genki Girl page on vanilla TV Tropes, because I recognized then that the Genki Girl inevitably has her share of working intelligence, perhaps nothing to be complacent about if she likely has difficulty how the Knight in Chess operates, but she would be more likely to involve innovation or throw about the more important questions. The chauvinist client's remark screams him not caring about women beyond bedpost scratches. I will at least say that the chauvinist client is still, AFAIK, not harboring Mangs' laundry list of atrocities, but that is not exactly a high bar for morality, nor does the chauvinist client have Mangs' level of resources to exploit in the first place. I still bring him up because he is BLATANTLY enabled by California, which is supposed to be in support of women to a maddening degree of hypocrisy, and he's far from the only person who is.
Let me put this out there: the Genki Girl still does not have infinite energy, just a lot. If she is not valued as a person, she ends up falling to burn out, and that's if she isn't going to be some case of Everybody Has Standards. This is what neither Mangs nor the chauvinist client care to understand, because they're too busy seeing the body, not the heart nor the mind, and instead, they call her innately dumb, meaning that they conveniently care about anything about her that isn't her body when it suits their "superiority." I can tell you from my own perspective involving my own share of pride that their "superiority" doesn't even give a damn about what it's contrasting to.
The more important point is that domestic abuse is still SCARILY possible to pull against a normally happy person, to the point that it could just break her, and realistically, she could be worn down having to be a Mama Bear while still being forced to get implants rather than get to work with a healthier environment. I should note that I was looking on the piece of media with the lunatic character who pulled the loads I talk about has the added bonus of having power that broke the system so badly that the guaranteed world destruction by nuclear war mentioned by the work's Nightmare Fuel page would have been a logical consequence if not for the work's premise. Also worth mention is that we have a real life equivalent to that lunatic character, going by the name of Donald J. Trump, and oh boy, that's totally a good sign.
I have come to a realization lately, that these degenerates who mock "inferiors" any way they can have ALWAYS been a problem. I had seen as much in California as well, which again speaks to how hypocritical that state is. Anybody heard of the character Babs Seed from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? I can speak from experience how she would turn out the way she did in her introduction episode, because it's definitely far from unrealistic when the likes of Mangs and his lackeys are FAR worse than pre-redemption Diamond Tiara. And unlike Diamond Tiara, people like Mangs will continue to be a problem as long as nobody stands against their loads.
Is it any wonder why I have refused to look back when I made a publicly viewable comment talking to the disabilities daycare center about the Savvy Guy Energetic Girl trope in order to call out overworking conditions? I can rightly claim to have done that call-out shortly after the Kincade Fire without being coerced or anything, where Mangs will just do the same things he did to Goosaphone time and again. I am realizing that the prejudice of Mangs and his fanbase has ALWAYS been there, has only managed to get worse over time, and only proves how they're just bullies that I should have recognized as such from the start. They do not care about actual growth, they do not care about actual persons, and they do not care about the damage done by their choices.
While this entire post and possibly the banning of Mangs' content likely isn't professional on my part, it still raises no shortage of points to go over, to make it clear that there is a rampant problem going on. These points make it clear: Mangs had pulled abuses against women and other targets for cheap pleasure, then tried to sweep this all under the rug, exploiting shallow behaviors of the involved communities (which is a problem that's on the involved communities too, but Mangs still is guilty for egging this on), and now wants to make use of his platform to collect more of a subscriber count making use of the upcoming release of Re-Boot Camp. We have already seen what they do with power: Mangs sends his subscriber base against targets protesting abuses that Mangs pulled against them, while his supporters do what they can to legitimize Mangs and character assassinate Mangs' victims. Re-Boot Camp, with its own problems, runs such a risk of bolstering this that this cannot be ignored.
Mangs' content needs to be strictly banned from the Advance Wars Wikia.