Advance Wars Wiki

Snow is a weather condition appearing in various Advance Wars titles. In the first two games of the series, snow reduces the movement range of units, except for ones under the command of Olaf. Simply by increasing the movement cost of the terrain for all movement type by 1 with two exceptions: Mech movement, which is unaffected by most other the terrains aside from mountain and, and Road terrain, which doesn't affect the movement cost of ground units during snow as well as building, shoal and bridge.

In Advance Wars: Dual Strike, how units work under snow was changed. Instead of reducing movement speed, snow now increased the fuel costs of moving all units. In Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, it was changed back to reducing mobility. This time, it gives a flat reduction of -1 movement to all units. Units under the command of Penny are immune to this penalty, even if they are not in her CO Zone.


  • Snow impedes the movement of Sturm's units, which normally can move across all terrains without a movement penalty.