Advance Wars Wiki
Normal Ruins
DoRRadarImageNormal DoRRadarImageRuin
Snow Desert
DoRRadarImageSnow DoRRadarImageDesert
Map Info
Def DoRIcon3Stars
Inc 1000
Rep DoRIconRecoverNone
Hide Yes
Icon IconRadar
Move CostIconMovement
Inftry 1
Mech 1
Tire A 1
Tire B 1
Tank 1
Air 1
Ship Hyphen
Trpt Hyphen

Radars are a kind of Building and Terrain in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. Unlike Cities, Radars lack the ability to heal or refuel units which stay on them. Capturing a Radar reveals a 5 tile radius around the radar for the owner in Fog of War conditions, like Fire.


Two radars on UFO.

