Advance Wars Wiki
Mech Information
Rubinelle Lazurian/IDS
DoRMech DoRMechAlt
High attack power. They can capture
bases. +3 to vision when on mountains.
Bazooka Machine Gun
Cost 2,500 Inftry ArrowGood
Gas 70 Veh ArrowGood
Ammo 3 Air Hyphen
Mobility 2 Heli ArrowBad
Vision 2, 5* Ship Hyphen
Range 1 Sub Hyphen
IconMovementMovement Mech IconCombatCombat Inftry
Abilities • Capture • Launch
Notes *When on Mountains.
 IconRedWarning IconBomberIconAntiAirIconWarTankIconRockets
 IconYellowWarning IconArtilleryIconSeaplaneIconMediumTankIconTankIconFlareIconBattleship
Main article: Mech
For the Advance Wars: Dark Conflict unit of a similar name, see Artillery (Days of Ruin).

Mechs(Days of Ruin) or Bazookas(Dark Conflict) or バズーカ兵(失われた光) are a cheap anti-vehicle infantry that can also capture buildings like regular infantry. Their slow movement speed means that they work better with Transport Helicopters or Rigs to move them.

Despite their slow movement speed, their unique movement type allows them to move over two Mountains per turn, unlike regular infantry.

Mechs are initially introduced in Freehaven, and become buildable in New Allies.



Changes from Dual Strike[]

  • Buff Cost (3000 -> 2500)


Mech Matchups

Opposing unit

Damage given

Damage taken

Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
InfantryBlueMapDoR - 65 - 45
MechBlueMapDoR - 55 - 55
BikeBlueMapDoR - 55 - 55
ReconBlueMapDoR 85 18 - 65
FlareBlueMapDoR 80 15 - 70
AATankBlueMapDoR 55 5 105 -
LightTankBlueMapDoR 55 8 (35) 70
MediumTankBlueMapDoR 25 5 (40) 80
WarTankBlueMapDoR 15 1 (45) 95
ArtilleryBlueMapDoR 70 15 85 -
AntiTankBlueMapDoR 55 35 65 -
RocketLauncherBlueMapDoR 85 35 90 -
AAMBlueMapDoR 85 35 - -
APCBlueMapDoR 75 20 - -
FighterBlueMapDoR - - - -
BomberBlueMapDoR - - 110 -
DusterBlueMapDoR - - 45 -
SeaplaneBlueMapDoR - - 85 -
BCopterBlueMapDoR - 12 (35) 65
TCopterBlueMapDoR - 35 - -
BShipBlueMapDoR - - 70 -
CarrierBlueMapDoR - - - -
SubmarineBlueMapDoR - - - -
CruiserBlueMapDoR - - - -
LanderBlueMapDoR - - - -
GunboatBlueMapDoR - - - -
MeteoriteDoR 15 1 - -
TalonGunDoR 10 1 5 HP -
NestMiddleLaserDoR 10 1 Laser

8 HP


5 HP

Changes from Dual Strike[]

  • Buff Light Tank damage dealt with secondary (6 -> 8)
  • Nerf Light Tank damage taken with primary ((30) -> (35))
  • Nerf Artillery damage dealt with secondary (32 -> 15)
  • Nerf Anti-Air Tank damage dealt with primary (65 -> 55)
  • Nerf Anti-Air Tank damage dealt with secondary (6 -> 5)
  • Buff Battle Helicopter damage dealt with secondary (9 -> 12)
  • Buff Battle Helicopter damage taken with primary ((50) -> (35))
  • Buff Battle Helicopter damage taken with secondary (75 -> 65)
  • Buff Battleship damage taken (90 -> 70)
    • Overall a Buff despite the Battleship gaining the ability to move and fire on the same Day

