Insider Example for Why Mangs Is A Scumbag
Some of you might be puzzled as to why the Kartal youtube channel is gone. I deleted it because I do not want to be affected by mangs' miserable conduct anymore. I was probably the only person left who does not talk like an asshat social reject to believe that mangs had genuinely learnt from his past and was trying to improve himself. It was confirmation bias all along.
Andaron Saga is an utter disgrace and a testament to mangs' character. Mister "let my actions speak for myself" released Andaron Saga, his magnum opus Fire Emblem 8 hack, last week, which after all his talks about taking it seriously, of going to therapy and cutting out negative influences, spits in the face of everyone who believed in him. There are several problems with th…
Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp - my thoughts
Before I start, I must provide a disclaimer: this is going to be absolutely critical of Re-Boot Camp, for reasons that I will get into. This still has to be said for things to improve.
As we know, Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp has come out and there's a fair number of people who do like it. There are, however, problems that simply can't be ignored. They are such that even if I were to get a Nintendo Switch--and I am not interested until there's a remaster of Kid Icarus Uprising, Battalion Wars, or Secret of Evermore--I would not buy RBC personally. This seems like an odd position on my part, but this does not change that I have played the original Advance Wars series, and that I have seen enough evidence of problems to say something.
- 1 The Positi…
I’m doing things to welcome Advance Wars Reboot camp fans into the wiki
Renaming stuff and other stuff is some of the stuff I will be doing ok
Regarding Mangs
I haven't weighed in very much on Mangs, but I would like to make my stance on him clear. What he did was wrong. There is no excuse for what he did, and rest assured, he did do it, and there is plenty of evidence proving he did. Sexual assault is never okay, and I will not support someone who has done it. This is not "cancel culture." Mangs sexually assaulted someone. People who support Mangs in spite of his disgusting actions will not be tolerated here. People who think what he did was okay will not be tolerated here. I understand that many people probably looked up to Mangs, liked him, enjoyed his content. I know it can be hard to accept that someone you once looked up to is a bad person. However, it is your responsibility as a human bei…
Why Mangs content is not welcome on the Advance Wars Wikia
Disclaimer: This is going to be a politics heavy topic involving sensitive subjects with details that could cause concern to say the least, but it HAS to be covered. It's an explanation on why the Advance Wars Wikia will not support Mangs.
Long story short: Mangs is a sexual assailant with no remorse. There is plenty of evidence and testimony to as much here (language warning):
I had linked that video right away to help provide context, but I will have to get back on it after I cover my own personal experiences to demonstrate why I gladly corroborate the video despite my lack of association with Goosaphone et al.
- 1 Personal experiences with Mangs and why they matter
- 2 Anime North itself, Heavens to bet…
More Advance Wars Reboot Camp News
If you are not aware, more news was revealed regarding Advance Wars Reboot Camp during today's Nintendo Direct. Video linked below:
I do not have the equipment myself to do so, but it would be really appreciated if someone could take and upload pictures of the new confirmed art and COs.
Our dream is finally becoming true. We are winning, soldiers. We are winning.
Game Boy Wars 3 translation and PALBal patch are basically done
As the title says, the patches are ready for public use. You can download them here.
Keep in mind that the commentary is Christmas Rushed to call out Mangs for his behaviors as I outline, but the general patchwork should be A-OK.
Magnificent Baddie proposal - Lin (DoR)
I thought I'd go ahead and take a break from working with stuff relating to Gameboy Wars 3, particularly when some abuse had been thrown in the direction of a guy named Kartal. This is more or less a sort of procedure handled on vanilla TV Tropes and its alternatives, though the former has proven itself the very sort of thing I call out with members of my own political affiliation and the latter is controlled by admins who are far from trustworthy. Here, however, I don't have to worry about being shut down by their behaviors, not when I am the one holding all the cards here. And I can make my proposal of a character who is the sort that vanilla TV Tropes doesn't care to listen to in the first place.
Also, yes, please excuse any political ta…
Anti-Tanks and how they'd handle in GBW3
This is an entry I was thinking of holding off on writing up out of reasons to be cautious that I'll be alluding to, but something that I witnessed today convinces me otherwise by showing how damaging to inviting conversation the power plays throughout the Advance Wars communities truly are. I'm of course taking a step to call out as much.
As we had witnessed, the Advance Wars series had proven time and again to have a problem with Infantry flooding. A key enabler of it that further created tepid gameplay was Artillery, which used the Infantry for screening out any attempts at attack, and since Infantry themselves were taking properties that could otherwise be used to promote map control, there was no real way to handle a siege attempt to d…
Infantry spam and what happens
(Disclaimer: any red links are to encourage development of the Wikia, which is needing it particularly now. I'd be lying if I said I'm a fan of the Nintendo Switch after what I have witnessed thus far, but whether or not Nintendo nowadays is morally bankrupt where they stand and if anybody would agree with/believe such an assessment has no bearing on what should be done with the Wikia.)
You may have heard recently that a sort of new Advance Wars game, called Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, was announced and by all indications it is bound to be a graphical port of the first 2 Advance Wars games. Amidst the points I've been making to people, I got into the subject of how Game Boy Wars 3 didn't need to inflate money-to-deployment ratio to chec…
Wiki Manager introduction
Hello Advance Wars Wiki, I'm Thatawesomecat, your Wiki Manager here! I'll be acting as a liaison between you and Fandom Staff. For any questions or issues related to editing here, please feel free to reach out to me!
You can read more about Fandom Wiki Managers here:
I will be around to check your Recent Changes occasionally, but if you need me, please feel free to send me a message on my talk page here. I look forward to working with you!
Thatawesomecat (talk) 00:38, March 29, 2020 (UTC)Thatawesomecat
My first blog post
I See that this wiki is not that active, even if there is almost nothing to add.
Mechs and their handling
Recently, Wargroove came out and it impresses me that it would have had a year and a half worth of input availability from certain Advance Wars communities, and it thinks to instead aggravate balance issues. I could of course complain about the forced suboptimal movement involved in the Pikemen crit tutorial, but this is supposed to be about Advance Wars. There is, however, something I can tear at with Wargroove that would be involving direct comparisons to Advance Wars: Pikemen being overpowered beyond belief.
To elaborate, Pikemen are an Expy of Mechs, and Mechs were already over-the-top even before Days of Ruin, although pre-DoR had Infantry spam that defeated Mechs anyway. Mechs were made stronger in Days of Ruin, of course, thanks to a…
2HKOing ability
I was handling a surgical strike where I made a significant mistake but it was more from macromanagement than anything. I will provide the pics for those curious about how it played out:
I originally took that first pic to showcase that Max's MD Tank 1HKOs a Light Tank on Roads. Of course, you may have noticed that there is a full health Light Tank on a City tile, and only 2 of my units were adjacent to the City tile in question. I couldn't use a CO Power if you're curious. Well, as it turns out, the math involved shows that Max doing two base 55% attacks is a foolproof City 1HKO before any CO defense boosts:
-55 x 1.2 = 66; 66 x 0.7 …
Units VS Artillery
I was analyzing further why Grit proves overpowered enough, which he definitely still is. In fact, I think the Black Bomb, which is broken enough in its own right, is the only reason Grit in Dual Strike doesn't rampage with the ridiculous defensive charging courtesy of 0.4 Star Infantry that just punishes a player for their opponent exposing THEIR Infantry.
I was ranting to a friend that I didn't have a COP available for busting infantry in aggressive attacking to disrupt captures and buy time to build up a reasonable force to smash through Grit's nonsense, and remarked why the Light Tank and Gunship don't work even when Grit has so few Artillery. Then I realize another problem with the infantry+indirect spam: they have no common weaknesses…
Super Famicom Wars - solving some misconceptions
In the past, Super Famicom Wars had been passed off as being imbalanced due to lack of 1HKing ability. When I wanted to remark that Advance Wars encourages passive play because of Light Tank self-countering, it occurred to me that Super Famicom Wars has an advantage for simultaneous strike: human players will never do tank mirror matches without blatant advantage because they will lose out.
However, SFW is full of chokepoint maps. The only halfway good one I found is the 4th map of New 2P Mode. At least it seemed that way, as it turns out to have STA. But before I had discovered it to have STA, it was proving to have promise as an okay map, although not the best with too much centralization on the bottom-center island. Still, you have to ad…
About Mortar soldiers (Battalion Wars related)
I know that this would fit better on the Battalion Wars Wikia, as Mortar Vets do actually exist there, but I'm planning to post this there too. However, talking about Mortar soldiers is what I'm doing here because it's appropriate here as I'll talk about soon enough.
Mortar soldiers are guys who fire grenades with launchers to hit opposition from safe location. Basically, they're range-fire Bazooka soldiers. The idea actually gets railed on in Advance Wars communities as an irredeemable unit idea, only beaten in awfulness by the sniper idea in fact. I find this to be proof that Battalion Wars handles power much better than Advance Wars does, because in Battalion Wars, I wouldn't place Mortar Vets any higher than upper mid on a unit tier lis…
So Days of Ruin is indeed imbalanced
Now this can come across as a bashfest, but honestly, the balance issues need to be brought to light, not kept hidden by people who would only want to win any way they can. And you could be tempted to accuse me of hypocrisy there, until you realize that I have annoyance with claw users on Kid Icarus Uprising's online because I *WIN* too easily. That happens because they are simply Too Dumb to Live, and think the solution to beating the alert guy who *WANTS* to close the distance is to close the distance. This was even before the reasons why claws are broken enough to not need to get past n00bish behavior to be dominant came up. The issue I have with this is how claw users think they should just do something the game already lets them do ea…
Range fire combat comparison
Some time ago, I noticed that Game Boy Wars 3 manages some good ideas for anti-indirect combat. While Artillery is still too powerful there, that's merely the result of it having 5 range while the Anti-Air Tank has bad defense and has to deal with the bad execution of the Focus mechanic. Even with that and the ability to move and fire on the same turn, it's entirely reliant on Bazooka flooding to do anything that warrants cringing.
What could have happened that Artillery still is anywhere close to being balanced with upwards of NINE effective attack range rather than their meager 3 in the AW games? In order to hit the Artillery, you have to reach it before it can hit your guys and wipe them out, which becomes a problem especially on rough ter…
I'm LPing Days of Ruin