Advance Wars Wiki

The Black Cannon was a long range cannon invented by Lash for the Black Hole's invasion of Macro Land. It first appears in Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising when the Orange Star army encounters a prototype.


The Black Cannon as it appears in Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising


The cannon's armor is mostly impenetrable and cannot be attacked. The one weak point is the entry door which has 99HP. The cannon uses the same damage type as other buildings. This point can be hit with both Direct and Indirect attacks but is immune to Missiles and Black Bombs. The Black Cannon is also unaffected by CO Powers.


The prototype cannon could fire on any enemy unit within vision once every 2 turns, but the latest version is capable of firing once every day. The cannon cannot turn and only fires in the direction it is facing.

Cannon BG

A campaign mission victory screen featuring the Black Cannon in Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising

The Black Cannon has a long range with a triangular firing arc starting on either the upper or lower tile of the cannon depending on which direction it is facing. It can fire 9 tiles in front of the cannon and up to 19 tiles across. It's attack range widens, starting with only 3 tiles wide directly in front of it and increasing until it reaches the maximum of 19 tiles. When it fires it deals a flat 5HP damage to any one target. However, it cannot destroy units; instead, units will go as low as 1HP.
