Advance Wars Wiki
Battleship Information
Rubinelle Lazurian/IDS
DoRBattleship DoRBattleshipAlt
An extremely strong naval unit that can
launch indirect attacks after moving.
Cannon None
Cost 25,000 Inftry ArrowGood
Gas 99 Veh ArrowGood
Ammo 6 Air Hyphen
Mobility 5 Heli Hyphen
Vision 3 Ship ArrowGood
Range 3-5 Sub ArrowGood
IconMovementMovement Ship IconCombatCombat Ship
 IconYellowWarning IconBomberIconSubmarine
Main article: Battleship

Battleships(Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict) or 戦艦(失われた光) are indirect-attack Naval Units. Though their attack power is slightly less than that of Rockets, the battleships of Days of Ruin are the only indirect unit in the whole series that can move and fire on the same turn.

Their cost is 3000G less than previous Advance Wars games. Their range is nerfed to 3-5, and damage is nerfed, but the initiative and versatility granted by moving and firing on the same turn makes up for longer minimum range and loss of range advantage over rockets.

Battleships are initially introduced in History of Hate, and become buildable in Greyfield Strikes.


Lords of the sea, battleships have huge zones of threat. They can increase their range up to 10 by moving towards the enemy as long as there are sea tiles, with the drawback of a more vulnerable position. Besides dealing heavy damage to other ships from afar, battleships are the only ones that can attack ground units with their weapons.

Along with Carriers, battleships are the end goal of a well-developed navy. Since battleships are the second most expensive units in the game, care must be taken to prevent enemy units from closing in on them. They cannot counterattack, and as demonstrated in the mission Lin's Gambit, deploying battleships on their own is a huge mistake. They always need Cruisers nearby to protect them from Submarines and Air Units. Enemy Gunboats are dangerous as well. A few gunboats of your own help block the approach of these dangerous units, and provide supplemental firepower to weaken enemy ships so a battleship can finish it off and earn a rank up. Their ability to move and fire in the same turn enables battleships to evade and defend against direct-fire attackers, unlike their land indirect counterparts, but that is not sufficient because all such units can keep up with them. While advancing into enemy waters, keep them surrounded with less expensive allied ships and aircraft. Battleships can always reposition to optimal firing distance within the rest of the fleet.

Once their safety is assured, battleships can get to work on their best job: bombarding ground units. Barely any ground units are a threat to a battleship. Of those that can even hit a battleship, tanks and Artillery are easily kited by backing out to open water. Only rockets have a hope of fighting back, because battleships do not outrange them, and they survive a shot from a regular battleship. Even though battleships can move and fire to get the first shot, at 3/5 the cost of a battleship, getting hit by rockets can become a problem, especially against multiples with overlapping fields of fire protected by terrain.

If the map will allow it, you can simply destroy all of the enemy's ground units with a swarm of battleships. That will take a long time. Battleships are better used to blast open beachheads to land your own ground units, because ground units cost so much less. Consider that 2 Tanks and a Lander cost 1000G less than 1 battleship, and if the lander survives it can bring back 2 Medium Tanks for the same cost. These will finish off a weakened opponent faster, and you will need to do this anyway if your battleships can't reach everything.



A battleship in Advance Wars: Days Of Ruin

  • This version of the battleship is the only indirect unit in the series to move and attack at the same time.
    • In normal circumstances, battleships have the most attack range in any series at 10, with 5 Movement and 5 range. This beats Grit's 9 with carriers' 8 Range and Grit's added 1 range. This also beats fighters' 9 movement attack.
    • In CO power circumstances, Isabella's battleships have the most attack indirect range in any series at 14, with 5 movement, 5 range, 2 additional movement, and 2 additional range. This beats Grit's 11 with carriers' 8 Range and Grit's added 1 range, and Super CO Power's additional 2 range.
  • Although Gage boosts both indirects and naval, the battleships only get one boost. It does not stack.